This week, I talked with one of my one-on-one coaching clients, and he told me he was dealing with stress and anxiety.
I asked him if he was practicing the Daily Mindset exercise that I teach.
He admitted that he is half-assing it and often skips the HARD PART.
The mind has over 70,000 thoughts daily, most of which are harmful.
So, of course, it's easy to get it in a place where you're worried about you're future.
You get trapped worrying about the future because you're stuck in yourself.
You need to have a process to reset your mind and interrupt that pattern.
My friend, You always get more of what you focus on. Good or bad.
It's hard to serpent the signal from the noise. There can be a lot going on in your mind. And you get easily distracted from the big vision by running around putting out fires.
The best way to quiet your mind is through meditation.
Meditation can be intimidating. You don't know what you don't do, or if you're doing it, you're if you are supposed to be getting some magical feeling.
When I started with personal development, nobody could catch me meditating. I thought, "That's something "That's not businessmen!"
That way of "thinking was wrong.
The best business minds I've met, meditative
The best thing about meditation is that you can make it your own. There is no "wrong" way to me, "state," But to get the best results, you need to let yourself be guided.