Hi Warrior,
1. Which is your favorite way of training? And if you don't train yet, which would it be?
A. Ninja Strength (total body strength, i.e., human flags, one-arm pullups, etc.)
B. Handbalancing in all positions
C. Cirque Aerial Arts
D. Power moves (combining all kinds of skills)
E. Freerun (vaults, jumps, movement)
2. What's your current level?
A. Pre-beginner
B. Beginner: chin-ups, bridge, straight leg toe touch
C. Intermediate: handstands, muscle ups, full splits, back walkovers
D. Advanced: 1 arm handstands, flips, powerful movement, etc.
3. What is your current situation?
A. Don't train at all
B. Train a little
C. Train 2+ hours a day, five days per week
4. What are the biggest obstacles to achieving your goals? Choose all that apply.
A. Flexibility
B. Strength
C. Past injuries
D. Burnout
E. Getting started
F. Time
5. What have you already done?
A. Gyms
B. Personal trainers
C. Videos
E. Nothing
6-10 are open-ended.
6. What's the biggest thing you want to achieve?
7. If given absolute freedom, when would you want to achieve it?
8. What's the biggest thing we can help you with?
9. What's the biggest question you have for us?
10. Would you like the savings coming in the next couple of days to get started on all of this?